Forum Want to buy solo ads Some sellers say they have health niche but nobody responds to messages to let them know that's the niche I want!!

3 posts / 1 like

By default i suppose they'll send MMO niche to my link. But like none of the sellers I've messaged have responded to my messages where I'm telling them im interested in their health list... So I'm afraid to make an order with them if they haven't seen my msg.

Do sellers not want to make money from customers?

225 posts / 40 likes
Max on 22 Oct 2021 at 13:58

By default i suppose they'll send MMO niche to my link. But like none of the sellers I've messaged have responded to my messages where I'm telling them im interested in their health list... So I'm afraid to make an order with them if they haven't seen my msg. Do sellers not want to make money from c

Hello Max,

We are really sorry for this experience with our sellers. Maybe the seller has some personal duties, and we hope they will respond to your message as soon as they come online.

And, I've transferred your post to the "Want to Buy" section in the forum. So, I hope the sellers who have relevant lists with your niche will respond here also.

Please don't hesitate to contact our Live Chat from the Help page if you need any assistance in the future.

Thank you.

Shakil | Udimi Support Team